From Founder's Message:
Dream and dare,
"For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win" but dear success can never be your cup of tea. Whatever you planned will never turn up as you wish, and this unpredictability of life it truly fascinating. To ward off these momentary hiccups, you have to have a strategy of your life to fulfill your long cherished dream.
If you are aiming for high profile career then choice that matters as destiny is all about waking a choice. There is no point getting a degree from one of the mushrooming technical institutes, which are nothing but commercial ventures.
The need for an institutional effort towards grooming corporate personality rather than merely providing notes to pas the examination is obviously calls for a different learning culture where one becomes ?a leader than a follower, a constructive person than a critic? and we promise you will made to live a splendid life.
May god bless you to achieve greater heights to serve the nation ever better.
Mr. Gupta Prasad Das
Ex-MLA & Govt. Chief Whip, Orissa
Message from the Founder's Desk
Founder's Message:-His divine IEM and concept "Knowledge is Power" inspired some of the Socio-Techno-Economic conscious eminent professionals to promoteInstitute of Engineering & Management(IEM), in tribal rich area of South Orissa. As a principal Founder Promoter his hard efforts and noble ideas promoted a Degree Engg. College, Diploma Engineering School, ITC, Women Child education Complex, Computer education for women and many more.
All this I hope will lead to achievement of our primary goal of shaping the future of our students through Knowledge. Because a commitment you make to yourself and your future, it is a choice you make when you come to the realization that knowledge is power & the power of the future lies with those who are prepared to handle the challenges. I assure you that our faculty & staff will be there to make certain that you gain the education you need in order to succeed, not only at Institute of Engineering & Management(IEM) but in your chosen place of professional career. From Founder's Message:
Dream and dare,
"For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win" but dear success can never be your cup of tea. Whatever you planned will never turn up as you wish, and this unpredictability of life it truly fascinating. To ward off these momentary hiccups, you have to have a strategy of your life to fulfill your long cherished dream.
If you are aiming for high profile career then choice that matters as destiny is all about waking a choice. There is no point getting a degree from one of the mushrooming technical institutes, which are nothing but commercial ventures.
The need for an institutional effort towards grooming corporate personality rather than merely providing notes to pas the examination is obviously calls for a different learning culture where one becomes ?a leader than a follower, a constructive person than a critic? and we promise you will made to live a splendid life.
May god bless you to achieve greater heights to serve the nation ever better.
Mr. Gupta Prasad Das
Ex-MLA & Govt. Chief Whip, Orissa
Message from the Founder's Desk
Founder's Message:-His divine IEM and concept "Knowledge is Power" inspired some of the Socio-Techno-Economic conscious eminent professionals to promoteInstitute of Engineering & Management(IEM), in tribal rich area of South Orissa. As a principal Founder Promoter his hard efforts and noble ideas promoted a Degree Engg. College, Diploma Engineering School, ITC, Women Child education Complex, Computer education for women and many more.
All this I hope will lead to achievement of our primary goal of shaping the future of our students through Knowledge. Because a commitment you make to yourself and your future, it is a choice you make when you come to the realization that knowledge is power & the power of the future lies with those who are prepared to handle the challenges. I assure you that our faculty & staff will be there to make certain that you gain the education you need in order to succeed, not only at Institute of Engineering & Management(IEM) but in your chosen place of professional career.